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Extraordinary engineering

Our engineering teams support a wide range of activities: from warhead engineering and nuclear forensics, to building services and process, plant and construction.

From working on the warhead programme to ensuring our sites and facilities are maintained and improved, our engineering expertise is pivotal to the delivery of our mission.

Virtual reality

Working with our computer scientists, our engineers employ state-of-the-art 3D virtual imagery to visualise complex engineering behaviours and characteristics.

Additive manufacturing is rapidly changing the design and production of critical components for nuclear weapons. This technique is used to produce comprehensive models of component designs prior to manufacture, helping achieve right-first-time solutions. These visualisation and virtual reality techniques also assist with operational training in support of 24/7 emergency response to hazardous or challenging threats.

Systems engineering

Our engineers use the latest systems engineering methods, coupled with validated electrical and dynamic mechanical modelling tools. These tools help our engineers to understand how complex engineering systems behave in different, or extreme, conditions.

Complex systems

Mechanical and Electronic engineering

These provide the capability to analyse, test, assess, manage, underwrite, certify and maintain the current warhead. It also ensures that we have the capabilities required to design and develop the Replacement Warhead, Astraea.

Model-based solutions

Modern engineering at AWE uses model-based techniques to provide rapid design analysis and technical assessments. Our engineers use sophisticated computer simulations to observe how complex and often intricate components perform under high mechanical and thermal stresses. They also use cutting-edge modelling tools to study the effects of chemical reactions, ionising radiation (e.g. gamma rays) and non-ionising radiation – including electromagnetic interference.

Product Life Cycle Management

We take a model-based systems engineering approach to product management. This involves integrating people, processes and supporting technology to maintain our contribution to the UK deterrent programme.

Construction and creating modern facilities

Our engineers work with our partners in construction, structural and civil engineering to deliver modern facilities and infrastructure that support our future programme requirements.

Our engineers are involved in major infrastructure projects to deliver future capability. The work requires environmental engineering, geotechnical issues, earth sciences, surveying and technology. Our engineers also work in other disciplines that enable our major projects and investments – as part of our site modernisation programme – to come to fruition.

AWE building


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