Our expert team provides unique insights on the nuclear and radiological threats facing the UK along with a deep technical knowledge of nuclear weapons. We provide 24/7 operational response on the discovery of a nuclear or radiological device.
As the UK’s centre of expertise for rendering safe an improvised nuclear device (IND), modelling radioactive plume dispersal and hazard prediction, we are tasked with keeping our country safe from the most devastating acts of terrorism.
Underpinning our response capability is a deep technical understanding of nuclear weapon-related science, sensitive radiation detection technologies and computational models run on some of the country’s most powerful supercomputers. Our experts regularly collaborate with international counterparts and work with the Government to provide guidance on international nuclear matters.
Our Nuclear Threat Reduction (NTR) specialists provide training to the police and military responders, ensuring that they are equipped to deal with the high-threat environment presented by an IND.
A key part of this is our Nuclear Threat Reduction (NTR) department. Our team provide expertise and analysis to a host of government organisations in the form of technical secondees. Our secondees provide the host departments instant access to our knowledge and are vital in driving counter proliferation and non-proliferation missions, and enhancing the reputation of AWE as a centre for scientific and engineering excellence.

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Monitoring
Our scientists provide expertise to international efforts to monitor the Earth for nuclear testing