AWE’s approach to auditing and assurance reviews of suppliers
Once suppliers have completed their Supplier Competency Evaluation they will be assessed as to certain assurance gradings; these may include quality, environmental, safety and cyber security aspects. You might see mentioned ‘QC1’ our highest level of quality control grading or ‘ESH A’ our highest level of environmental, safety and health grading. The type of requirement will determine the level of grading suppliers need to meet, and whether they are liable to audit by AWE. The audit requirement is reflected in our Terms and Conditions, but suppliers will always be pre-notified of any visits from AWE auditors.
Cyber security gradings will include the allocation of a “Cyber Profile” and our requirements for Cyber Essentials certification; there may also need to be a site visit carried out.
Supplier Quality Assurance
- AWE’s Quality Requirements for Suppliers (pdf)
- Supply Chain Audits Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
- AWE Counterfeit, Fraudulent and Suspect Items Policy statement (pdf)
- AWE Quality Policy (pdf)
Supply Chain Security
Terms and Conditions
Please refer to a copy of our Terms and Conditions for the contractual standards we expect our suppliers to adhere to as a minimum. Other forms of contract are issued on a case-by-case basis, depending on AWE requirements, complexity and risk.
For further supply chain guidance please contact our supply chain security team.