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At AWE, we are looking to find the best technological innovation in the external marketplace to support our mission for the long-term.

We know that working with our supply chain can help us deliver our high value, high precision, and high quality components, and we are committed to collaborating with new and diverse partners.

Our aim is to build a culture of collaboration, sustainability, agility, and continuous innovation, whilst also striving to create a resilient and diverse supplier base to support our ambitious programme.

AWE operates in a highly regulated environment where safety, quality and security sit at the forefront of what we do. We deliver extremely specialised low-volume products from fissile, explosive and conventional materials to exacting standards to meet the rigorous requirements for the nation’s nuclear deterrent, many at high value, high precision and high quality. With decades of experience in manufacturing, our engineers work at the cutting-edge of technology and innovation, manufacturing critical components with continuous attention on evolving our pioneering capabilities.

Our quality standards are of the highest calibre which aligns with our right first-time mindset and commitment to improvement. With an inability for full scale testing, it is critical we know our deterrent will perform as expected now and for the years to come.

Some of the materials that AWE work with

AWE produces its own fissile and explosives items in regulated areas, to high safety standards. Other classified components are manufactured on-site from ‘conventional materials’ using a broad range of conventional and unconventional capabilities (list below).

Conventional Materials capability requirements:

  • ‘Standard machining’ of metal/plastic
  • Precision machining (~1 micron level)
  • Graphite machining
  • Joining / welding
  • Conventional and isostatic pressing
  • Hydroforming
  • Injection moulding
  • Heat treatment
  • Chemical transformation / recovery
  • Plating / coating / spray drying
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Destructive / non-destructive inspection

Conventional Materials processed:

  • Ceramics
  • Rubbers / plastics / polymers
  • Foams
  • Metals incl. Ti-6Al-4V; Al Alloy; Stainless Steel; Copper
  • Graphite
  • Salt incl. CaCl2; MgCl2
  • Composites
  • Polyurethane

Construction and creating modern facilities

Our engineers work with our partners in construction, structural and civil engineering to deliver modern facilities and infrastructure that support our future programme requirements. Working with our partners in construction and building services enables us to create the right environment, to support the lifecycle of the warhead. We also work with our regulators as part of our commitment to support our processes, operations and our people – safely and securely. We are involved in major infrastructure projects to deliver future capability. These projects cover key areas, including environmental engineering, geotechnical issues, earth sciences, surveying and technology. Our engineers also work in other disciplines that enable our major projects and investments – as part of our site modernisation programme – to come to fruition.

Investment is building our future

We’re transforming our sites and the way we work with an ambitious series of building and refurbishment programmes that add up to the busiest construction period in our history.

Autumn round tables as hosted by ADS

Find out more information on how we work with our supply chain.
