Climate change is the most urgent environmental challenge of our time. Every business has a role to play in tackling this threat and AWE is taking definitive action.
Our commitments
AWE’s commitment to continuing environmental improvement is demonstrated by our ongoing certification to the internationally recognised standard ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems. A copy of AWE’s certificate can be found here. This certificate covers the sites of Aldermaston, Burghfield and Blacknest.
In support of ISO 14001: 2015, AWE has a Environment & Sustainability Policy statement endorsed by our Chief Executive, which clearly sets out how we conduct business. The Environment & Sustainability Policy details AWE’s commitment to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution. It also provides a framework for the setting and reviewing of environmental objectives and targets through defined business plans.
We are harnessing our scientific and technological expertise to reduce negative impacts, research green innovation ideas and deliver clean growth.
ESG report
AWE has, alongside Government policy, established carbon reduction targets of contributing to reaching Net Zero by 2050, and begun working to an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) model across the company.

Carbon reduction
We have developed science-based targets to ensure our carbon reductions are in line with the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Enhancing biodiversity
We aim to positively manage our natural capital and cultural heritage, to maximise the benefit for current and future generations.

Resource consumption
We plan to reduce AWE’s resource footprint further by managing and conserving scarce and non-renewable resources, minimising waste production and reusing and recycling all controlled waste.