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We know we play a huge role in our communities, be it our neighbours, our people or a national community. What we do goes beyond purely achieving our mission. We have responsibilities to wider society and we are committed to playing an active role and contributing.

Now we are a public body, we are no longer allowed to directly donate to charities. To continue supporting our community, last year we introduced our new volunteering scheme, ‘Time to Give’ which gives our people the opportunity to use three full days for the benefit of charitable organisations.

Case study

Brenda, Business Administrator, uses her skills as an experienced netball coach to volunteer her time and provide netball coaching to a school in one of AWE’s local communities. After Brenda approached Burhnam Copse School offering to provide netball coaching, they were thrilled and took Brenda up on the offer. “Burnham Copse netball club is thriving! This is due in no small part to Brenda’s weekly volunteering. Every Wednesday, whatever the weather, children from Year 3 to Year 6 meet after school on the playground for netball practice. We are so grateful for Brenda’s time, experience and encouragement.”

“Burnham Copse netball club is thriving! This is due in no small part to Brenda’s weekly

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