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Press Releases

New technology developed for the nuclear deterrent programme now available to CBRN* professionals

A ground-breaking radiation detection technology, developed to support the UK’s nuclear deterrent, is being made available to nuclear, national security, policing and counter-terrorism organisations. The GMS595 is a sophisticated gamma dose-rate monitor developed by AWE alongside British company JCS Nuclear Solutions. It is the most sensitive gamma radiation monitor available and capable of making fast […]

Community News

Celebrating International Women’s Day

AWE marked International Women’s Day on March 8 – a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and raising awareness about gender equality. This year’s theme ‘Choose to Challenge’ was reflected in a series of events. On the day, AWE staff had the opportunity to hear from keynote speaker Zeb […]

Community News

British Science Week 2021

AWE is marking British Science Week with new activities that complement our ongoing STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) outreach work with local schools and students. These include our STEM ambassadors and apprentices developing presentations on varied topics, as a visual and engaging way for young learners to discover more about science. This series of presentations […]

Proton Radiograph

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Bringing Magnetic Field Interactions down to Earth

New research published in Nature Comms sheds light on a fundamental phenomenon in plasma physics The Universe is full of spectacular events where flowing plasmas – collections of charged ions and electrons – collide, releasing energy as magnetic fields reconfigure and reconnect. In some instances, this causes ions to accelerate to high energy. Close to […]

Community News

Winter issue of Connect out now!

The latest issue of Connect contains details of AWE’s Responsible Business Report that sets out how we operate as a business and manage our long-term impacts on society and the environment. The full report can be seen here. You can also read about our work with education and charity partners and achievements during 2020.

Latest News

AWE to partner with University of Surrey in new Centre of Excellence

AWE is entering into a partnership with the University of Surrey, which is launching a new Centre of Excellence in Materials Ageing, Performance and Life Prediction The University’s long-standing expertise in materials science and engineering and its strengths in advanced characterisation of materials in demanding environments, underpin the partnership. Professor Norman Godfrey, AWE Deputy Chief […]

Community News

AWE gives a gift for Christmas

A Covid-compliant Christmas charity collection at AWE produced hundreds of kilos of food, plus toys and toiletries. Altogether, 560 kilos of food, 15 boxes of toiletries and clothes and 150 toys were donated by staff. The food was packed into hampers and will go to Basingstoke Trussell Food Bank, the toiletries and clothes to Nishkam […]

Latest News

AWE accepts fine following conclusion of the ONR prosecution

AWE plc has been fined following a guilty plea to a charge brought by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) under Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This was in relation to an incident at AWE’s Aldermaston site in June 2019, comprising a flash-over of electricity when a contractor’s […]

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AWE scientist receives Institute of Physics award

AWE scientist, Kirk Duroe has been recognised with the 2020 Clifford Paterson medal and prize from the renowned Institute of Physics. Kirk’s award is a Bronze Early Career medal which recognises exceptional physicists in the early stages of their careers. The Institute of Physics’ medal was in recognition of Kirk’s expert technical advice to the […]

Sir John Manzoni


MOD appoints Sir John Manzoni as Chair Designate

Following the announcement that the AWE plc will become an Arms-Length Body of the MOD, the Department has decided to appoint Sir John Manzoni as Chair Designate. The existing AWE Management Limited (AWE ML) Board will hand over to John and the new Board of the Arms-Length Body following termination on 30th June 2021; the […]

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AWE wins regional National Apprenticeship Award

We are delighted to announce that AWE’s Skills Academy has been named as Macro Employer of the Year winner for the South East region at this year’s National Apprenticeship Awards. It is a further accolade for AWE’s highly regarded apprenticeship scheme this year. The National Apprenticeship Awards highlight business and individual success in apprenticeships and […]

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Road Safety Week 2020 16-22 November

AWE is supporting Road Safety Week, the UK’s biggest road safety event, coordinated annually by Brake, the road safety charity. It involves millions of people around the UK taking action for safer roads. Road Safety Week aims to inspire thousands of schools, organisations and communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages. […]
