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AWE gives a gift for Christmas

A Covid-compliant Christmas charity collection at AWE produced hundreds of kilos of food, plus toys and toiletries. Altogether, 560 kilos of food, 15 boxes of toiletries and clothes and 150 toys were donated by staff. The food was packed into hampers and will go to Basingstoke Trussell Food Bank, the toiletries and clothes to Nishkam […]


AWE accepts fine following conclusion of the ONR prosecution

AWE plc has been fined following a guilty plea to a charge brought by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) under Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This was in relation to an incident at AWE’s Aldermaston site in June 2019, comprising a flash-over of electricity when a contractor’s […]


AWE scientist receives Institute of Physics award

AWE scientist, Kirk Duroe has been recognised with the 2020 Clifford Paterson medal and prize from the renowned Institute of Physics. Kirk’s award is a Bronze Early Career medal which recognises exceptional physicists in the early stages of their careers. The Institute of Physics’ medal was in recognition of Kirk’s expert technical advice to the […]

Sir John Manzoni


MOD appoints Sir John Manzoni as Chair Designate

Following the announcement that the AWE plc will become an Arms-Length Body of the MOD, the Department has decided to appoint Sir John Manzoni as Chair Designate. The existing AWE Management Limited (AWE ML) Board will hand over to John and the new Board of the Arms-Length Body following termination on 30th June 2021; the […]


AWE wins regional National Apprenticeship Award

We are delighted to announce that AWE’s Skills Academy has been named as Macro Employer of the Year winner for the South East region at this year’s National Apprenticeship Awards. It is a further accolade for AWE’s highly regarded apprenticeship scheme this year. The National Apprenticeship Awards highlight business and individual success in apprenticeships and […]


Road Safety Week 2020 16-22 November

AWE is supporting Road Safety Week, the UK’s biggest road safety event, coordinated annually by Brake, the road safety charity. It involves millions of people around the UK taking action for safer roads. Road Safety Week aims to inspire thousands of schools, organisations and communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages. […]


Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Annual Report 2019/20

AWE welcomes the Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Annual Report 2019/20 published today (11 November) by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). We have continued to make safety improvements in many areas over the past year by delivering a more ‘holistic approach’ to safety management and welcome the news that with sustained improvement, our sites at Aldermaston […]


AWE’s first Responsible Business Report

We have published our first Responsible Business Report. It explains exactly what a ‘responsible business’ is and why it is so important. The report covers AWE’s commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030, linking our sustainability and development goals to the 2015 Paris agreement and the United Nations; Sustainable Development Goals and achievements in employee […]


Management & Operations Contract

Statement from AWE Management Limited AWE Management Limited has received notification from the Ministry of Defence of the termination of its Management and Operations contract from 30 June 2021. AWE Management Limited has supported the AWE mission, central to the UK’s defence, for two decades and is wholly committed to the smooth transition of its […]


AWE donates PPE to charity partner Thrive

AWE has made a £5,000 donation to its charity partner Thrive. The funding is going towards personal protective equipment (PPE) allowing staff and clients to safely return to its Reading centre and continue its work as one of the leading gardening for health charities. This is AWE’s third year supporting Thrive and the donation has […]


AWE makes donation to Citizens Advice Tadley

AWE’s Charity Fund has made a £1,000 donation to Citizens Advice in Tadley. The funding is going towards PPE allowing staff and volunteers to safely return to the Citizens Advice office so they can continue to provide advice, support and information to local people. AWE’s donation has helped purchase screen dividers for use at desks, […]
