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Our aim is to make this site accessible and easy to use for everyone, on any browser, whether you use assistive technology or not.

Our website has been developed to meet as many guidelines for the construction of accessible websites specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as possible.

W3C’s website accessibility guidelines (WCAG) define three levels of accessibility, each progressively more demanding. The most basic level of accessibility is Priority 1 (level A compliance) followed by Priority 2 and 3 (levels AA and AAA). This website complies with Priority 1 and 2 checkpoints and where possible Priority 3.

We acknowledge that some checkpoints may be subjective and there may be instances where interpretation may vary.

Semantics & Landmark Roles

HTML5 markup is used to structure the site with appropriate elements used to clearly and logically identify content for search engines or screen readers.

Following guidance set by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (ARIA), landmark roles are provided to make the site more accessible. Roles are used to identify specific content or navigation areas for machine readers and assistive devices such as screen readers.

Landmarks have been added to identify the site’s Header (banner), Sidebar (complementary), Footer (contentinfo), Primary Content (main), Navigation (navigation) and Search (search).

Browser support

The site scales to ensure readability on whatever device or browser it is viewed upon. Browser support is progressive – so while more capable browsers may get improved aesthetics or functionality, content will still be accessible to even the oldest browsers.


We use JavaScript to provide users enhanced features of the site. Without it, all pages and process remain accessible.

Font size

The font sizes used on the website are fully flexible. We recommend using your browser settings to change the font sizes should you need.


We use Adobe PDFs for additional information and downloads. Adobe PDF Reader is freely available for use on any computer.

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