Our regulators
Safety and security is at the heart of everything we do. We are independently regulated and are required to comply with regulations, including having appropriate designs for nuclear plant and equipment, trained and suitably experienced staff, to managing nuclear waste safely and effectively.
They include Defence Fire Risk Management Organisation, Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator, Environment Agency, and Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).
Our Board
The Board’s responsibilities include:
- Assuring safety, security and environmental responsibilities are carried out in accordance with AWE’s nuclear site licence conditions, authorisation conditions and environmental permitting requirements
- Proposing the AWE plc business strategy to the MOD as shareholder
- Setting the culture and providing leadership direction
- Providing assurance on the significant commitments AWE plc makes to the MOD customer
- Providing oversight of management of delivery
- Setting and overseeing the control framework within AWE delegations

Our strategy
Our vision is to become a high performing, streamlined business delivering extraordinary products.