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Our business model

We work under contract and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Nuclear Organisation

On 1 July 2021, AWE plc (AWE) became an arm’s length Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) wholly owned by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), working in close collaboration with the Defence Nuclear Organisation (DNO).

The MOD owns the AWE sites, including the assets and liabilities.  AWE is responsible under a contract with the MOD for operating the sites safely and securely as well as delivering a safe, effective and efficient nuclear warhead programme.  AWE employs the workforce, holds the nuclear site licences, environmental permits and other regulatory permissions.

The NDPB structure was selected by the Government in order to strengthen collaboration, simplify the relationship with AWE, and improve value for money.

Although AWE plc is owned by the MOD, AWE is not part of the MOD and AWE employees are public servants (as opposed to Civil or Crown servants).

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