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10 October 2019 | 1 minute read

10 October 2019 | 1 minute read

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This is an archived news story which is over 12 months old and may contain out of date information

World Mental Health Day

October 10, 2019 is World Mental Health Day and in support, AWE staff members have shared their experiences with mental health. We applaud them for having the courage to share their very personal stories and we hope that by talking openly about mental health their stories can help someone else.

As an organisation AWE is working to support our staff with their mental health.

We recently signed up to the Time to Change campaign with the aim of working on reducing stigma in order to create a safe environment to have conversations about mental health. Time to Change is a growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems. The campaign has already reached millions of people and begun to improve attitudes and behaviour.

Part of the campaign is tea and talk champions – encouraging people to talk about their challenges etc.

At AWE we have just finished training our first group of volunteer Champions and Cheerleaders whose job it is to deliver our mental health action plan. 108 people to date have been trained Champions and Cheerleaders as  by our seven Time to Change trainers.

Read some of our employees stories:



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