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3 September 2019 | 1 minute read

3 September 2019 | 1 minute read

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This is an archived news story which is over 12 months old and may contain out of date information

Sandia and AWE refresh strategic collaboration

Sandia and AWE are looking to the future and have signed a Strategic Intent of Collaboration to cement their ongoing relationship.

Steve Girrens, Sandia’s associate labs director for nuclear deterrence, visited AWE in June and the document was signed during his visit. Dave Chambers, AWE’s director for science, engineering and technology, was co-signatory, on behalf of Graeme Nicholson, AWE’s head of programme.

This document sets out the opportunities for mutual benefits through a strategically aligned collaboration between Sandia and AWE.

The U.S. and U.K. have a history of cooperation dating back to the Manhattan Project. Since 1958, they have shared ideas, information, materials and equipment, within the provisions of the Mutual Defense Agreement.

Although each nation is working to meet their respective future deterrence needs and maintaining focus on existing stockpiles, both AWE and Sandia recognize that effective collaboration will reduce the risks carried by each in delivering its mission.

Dave Chambers called it a significant step in endorsing a vital strategic collaboration: “It is a refresh of the Strategic Intent but one which carries enhanced detail and specifics. It focuses on four key themes; importantly the various workstreams will feature both AWE and SNL leads, reinforcing the cross-flow of ideas and information. This is important because partnership working at this level will undoubtedly realise benefits for both parties.”

  • PIC CAP: AWE Director for Science Engineering and Technology Dave Chambers, left, and Sandia Associate Labs Director for Nuclear Deterrence Steve Girrens signing the strategic intent document.

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